Tuesday, July 09, 2024


 This blog used to be my own place, once upon a time. Then the frequencies of the posts kept on decreasing. Once in a month, then once in a year, then not even that.

I do scribble from time to time. Sometimes I pen down a story, sometimes I just fill my decade old diary with incoherent words. But I really do not remember when did I last open myself here. 

To be honest, it was something special for me. I think that was one of the reason why I couldnot post just anything here.

But now, things have changed. Half of my dreams have died. Few have changed. And a lot of those are just tucked away here and there, like we keep old pieces of scrap paper. Only to be thrown out on a later date. 

I am middle aged now with increasing  number of grey hairs and even more number of wrong decisions. But I know, I can just rant out and it needn't mean anything.

Sometimes, even that needs to be done.