Friday, September 16, 2005

advertising has matured

at alst indian advertising industry has attained maturity.nowadays, we are having adds that are really thoughtful and much better than the previous ones.
earlier, in an ad for a painkiller used to show someone panting and after she took the medicine,she said"it's gone". but now, we see a girl hiding her watery eyes behind her eyeglasses after she saw her crush with another girl and then the slogan saying," for every other kind of pain, take this". or take the ads of asian paints.
but of course there are some crap ads like before. the ad for chips where a girl start dancing after taking a single bite, is probably the most meaningless. (even my 'meaningless crap' is more interesting). but then exception proves the rule,and so.........THREE CHEARS TO INDIAN ADVERTISING


Rahul said...

it's all about having a little fun, right! give 'em a break man!!!

Soumyadip said...

Indian advertising was always creative. A few bad copies by mediocre agencies will always exist. Right from the days of the Bengal Gazette advertising has always been a feature in the Indian media and quite a creative an innovative one at that.

Abaniko said...

maybe some ads aren't appealing to us only because we are not the target market. but most of them are creatively executed watching them becomes entertaining.