Friday, February 06, 2015

How to write a love letter?


It's stupid. Really, but still I am doing it. I don't know why. I mean, who writes letters now? I can just SMS you. Or call you. You are even on WhatsApp, Hangout, Facebook. I can get connected to you anywhere instantly. I really couldn't understand why somebody would decide to ditch these modern ways and go for something as ancient like a letter to express his feelings.
But, I'm doing it. I'm not chatting with you, I'm not calling you. Like a19th century guy, I'm writing to you. Yet it's 21st century and I'm the same guy you knew.

I don't know why I'm doing this. I'm questioning my decision a thousand times. But I'm not convinced anymore. I had a doubt.  I love you. Yes, I do. May be I have never said it like this, but you know this very well. And now with all the things that's happening, I don't even know what tomorrow will bring. And that makes me think. Is love all about connecting instantly?? Or is it something else?

I was told by someone that love is an ancient thing. It's something that defies logic. It's something that makes no sense. Yet, we all crave to be struck by it. I think a lot nowadays. A lot. About us. About the way things are moving. About what would happen in future. I think a lot. I think a lot nowadays.  And I doubt. Is love all about getting connected instantly? Or is it about taking things slow. About holding a love letter and relishing the feeling. When you are eager to read out the contents, but can't do so as it will be over then. Is love perseverance? Is love about waiting? I don't know. I only know that whatever it is, it means YOU to me. Without you, love is just a word, a word on the dictionary. But when you are with me, love is a feeling. An emotion, that you evoke in me.

And I do love you. I really do.

Yours only


Aditi said...

It's beautiful :)

Mishika said...

It's beautiful. :)