Saturday, January 13, 2007

A Leafy Gift

5 years of studying botany has changed my view on plants. I no longer look at them as a beautiful creature, but something extremely dangerous, able to make your life hell along with the help of a special torture method for students called Taxonomy. The only plant group which is an exception is Fern. the reason may be that the laboratory work on ferns has just started.

But I love to collect fern leaves and use these as bookmarks. I came back from each excursions with some of the local ferns. But most of these get lost in the huge volumes of books that I should study, but I prefer not to. Not so long ago, I found one collected from the latest excursion inside my journal. That was my most favourite one.

I really liked that leaf. But then I decided to gift that to someone. I gave my little leaf to a lady who wanted to cage sunshine. She was someone I spend some good times with, and I thought of giving her something which may remind her of me at times. Gifts are a token of love. But for me, a gift is nothing, the thought associated with that is what counts. And I felt, if I want to give someone as good as her something, that thing should be the one I loved most.

But I was a bit tensed thinking whether she'd like that or not. But she seemed delighted and kept that in her diary.

I never knew one can be so happy even after giving away something he loved so much.

1 comment:

Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

Tht was one awesome post..I agree with you about giving special gifts to someone special....have given lotsa n lotsa gifts to people :)

Gifts are a token of love. But for me, a gift is nothing, the thought associated with that is what counts.
I just loved this....awesome!!